During this COVID-19 pandemic, there are some medical conditions that would greatly compromise the quality of life of many women if attention is not paid to them. One of such diseases is Uterine Fibroids. They are the most common benign tumours in women and it is estimated that between 70-80% of black women will harbor fibroids over their lifetime.

Fibroids come with symptoms; however, some women are oblivious of its presence while 1 in 4 women ends up with symptoms severe enough to require treatment. The symptoms include heavy menstrual bleeding, long and irregular periods, frequent urination and pelvic pressure. Apart from the physical symptoms, the psychological impact of fibroids should not be overlooked. A global study assessing the emotional impact of fibroids revealed that women reported feeling helpless with no control over their fibroids because of the difficulty managing and predicting the heavy menstrual flow and some expressed fear that their fibroids will grow or experience further health complications.

Despite the high prevalence of fibroids among women, high-quality data on the Ghanaian situation is unavailable to facilitate the formulation of evidence-based guidelines to address patients’ needs adequately. The gap in medical knowledge regarding COVID-19, has also heightened fear, anxiety, emotional stress and confusion that can hinder overall physical health and may aggravate fibroid symptoms by influencing cycle length, vaginal bleeding patterns, and painful periods. My personal experience was traumatic. I was rendered helpless, confused with bouts of unexpected bleeding. My general well-being was greatly compromised until I opted for a surgery.

According to Mariana Ndrio (University of Medicine & Health Sciences in St. Kitts) these few tips could be helpful in restoring a sense of control and ease in these difficult and unprecedented times. If you are feeling uncertain or anxious, know that you are not alone; your worries and feelings are valid; stay calm as you follow these tips.

Stay in touch with your healthcare provider

While it is true that a lot of non-urgent appointments and elective surgeries are cancelled, do not hesitate to stay in touch with your healthcare provider. COVID-19 should not halt or compromise access to necessary medical care for women suffering from fibroids.

Keep to your prescribed medication

You might worry that your current medications might be making you vulnerable to the COVID-19 or you might be feeling uncertain regarding the continuation of your current prescribed medications or supplements. Nonetheless, it is important that you continue taking your prescribed medications and/or supplements unless otherwise advised by your physician.

Maintain healthy eating habits.

Dieticians recommend an increase in the consumption of vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, and kale which recent research has suggested may prevent the cellular proliferation of fibroids and consequently prevent severity of symptoms.

Check your serum vitamin D level

There has been significant amount of scientific evidence that vitamin D may inhibit fibroid growth. Get tested and get the needed medication to correct any deficiency. Recent studies also show that vitamin D can have a protective effect against COVID-19.

Reduce alcohol consumption.

Stay hydrated by consuming adequate amounts of water. Eliminate alcohol and caffeine, they can affect the liver by reducing its effectiveness at metabolizing oestrogen in the body.  Additionally, the WHO has urged the public to reduce consumption of alcohol during COVID-19 pandemic, because it compromises the body’s immune system making people vulnerable to COVID-19. By avoiding alcoholic beverages, you are protecting yourself from both COVID-19 and fibroids.

Boost your mental wellbeing by trying the following

  • Meditate, practice mindfulness and pray often.
  • Monitor your thoughts and feelings.
  • Limit the amount of media you ingest daily.
  • Maintain a sufficient sleep schedule.
  • Exercise regularly to reduce your BMI to prevent fibroid growth and alleviate symptoms. Exercise improves mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood and by improving self-esteem.
And remember, during these confusing and unprecedented times and while you are feeling that this pandemic is affecting you, a bit harder than the rest, there is always a community of women who are feeling exactly like you— don’t suffer alone. Get in touch. From Fibroid Foundation Africa & Global Fibroid Alliance: advocating for a greater focus on Uterine Fibroids. Email: womengh@gmail.com/ +233242801535  
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