About Madam Jane Amerley Oku
Madam Jane Amerley Oku
‘Whenever people talk about Fibroids, it brings tears into my eyes because this endemic health condition has adversely affected women in my family for years. My elder sister had a very painful experience with fibroids. At age 37, my younger sister also has to undergo surgery to remove fibroids. I have personally lived with the condition for many years. I therefore see this occasion to serve as a board member of FibFA an opportunity to break the silence and create awareness of this condition, to support other women overcome their fears, rise above the odds and go in for early treatment’. Jane Amerley Oku is a social worker, an activist and community development practitioner. Her passion is to contribute towards the provision of lasting solutions to issues involving individuals and community groups to promote community development. She is currently the CEO of Janok Foundation, an NGO with focus on public health education, Water and Sanitation and Food Security and Nutrition. She works with many women’s groups in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana.